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Disenfranchisement after the Reconstruction Era in the U.S. was a series of laws and new constitutions that had the power to revoke one's voting rights. Black People were often the victims of Disenfranchisement as segregation was prevalent. Modern day Disenfranchisement is mostly prevalent in media, and it has gone from revoking one's right to vote, to the degrading of Black People. For example, Racist caricatures were used to demonize black people and exaggerate certain behavior.

Disenfranchisement and negative portrayal may be a factor behind the police killing black men. Often when we consume media, it influences our thinking as we tend to develop bias against a certain topic, and can effect your interaction with someone or something. Disenfranchisement created stereotypes that made officers seek more danger in black people, making their line of “ self defense” much more thinner compared to white people.(VOX) Although some may ask what type of disenfranchisement is present nowadays, an easy answer to that is the negative portrayal of black people in media. Black people can usually commit the same crime as white people and receive sentences that are much worse and portrayed in the media in a much worse way. Due to these reasons, it is the sad truth that, the darker your skin, the more likely you will get shot by police.

The Effects of Black Disenfranchisement: Text
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